The Value of Financial Advice for Veterinarians

I’m often asked by prospective clients to quantify the value of financial advice. It’s a fair question. When you’re about to invest in a service, you naturally want to know if it’s worth the cost.

Recently, a prospective client posed this question:

“I haven’t had much time to discuss moving forward with my husband. He’s reviewed your website and the information you shared, and we’ve talked it over. The only question he had, which I struggled to answer, was more about the ROI. If we move forward, there’s a known expense. Is that expense essentially offset by your ability to invest our money and generate returns? How can I explain that to him?”

This is a fantastic question! As a veterinarian, you likely face similar inquiries all the time. Clients ask, “If I spend X dollars on this procedure, will my pet be okay?” It’s a tough question to answer because outcomes can vary. Here’s how I responded to the prospective client:


Tangible Value
Tangible value is the “ROI” aspect of the equation. This includes the immediate, measurable benefits of financial advice, such as:

  • Optimizing investments
  • Identifying tax-saving opportunities, both current and future
  • Improving cash flow to increase savings rates
  • Appropriately managing 529 plans
  • Reviewing student loan plans to identify savings

In essence, tangible value is about making or saving you money, whether now or in the future. A straightforward ROI measure I use is net worth. On average, my veterinary clients who have worked with me for three or more years have seen their net worth double. This growth comes from strategies like increasing savings rates, optimizing investments, implementing tax-saving strategies, and minimizing fees.


Real-World Examples:

  1. Mortgage Refinancing: During the recent low-interest-rate environment, I proactively identified clients who could benefit from refinancing their mortgages. I reached out, initiated discussions, and connected them with lenders when needed. The result? For many, this led to tens of thousands (some even six figures) of dollars in interest savings over the life of their mortgages.
  2. Student Loan Planning: Student loans are notoriously complex. Many of my veterinary clients aim for federal student loan forgiveness, but the programs can be so confusing that borrowers often choose the cheapest option without realizing it might not be the best long-term choice. A wrong decision could cost tens of thousands of dollars. I work closely with my clients to ensure they’re on the right plan for their unique situation, saving them money and reducing long-term stress.


Intangible Value
Intangible value isn’t about ROI; it’s about peace of mind and partnership. This is the psychological comfort that comes from working with an expert who understands your goals and concerns. Intangible value includes:

  • Less time spent worrying about finances and more restful nights
  • A trusted resource for pressing financial questions
  • Expert guidance tailored to your personal goals and values (e.g., college planning, retirement)
  • A neutral third party to help mediate complex financial decisions
  • A long-term relationship built on trust, motivating you to take action and celebrating your successes


Real-World Examples:

  1. Managing Market Anxiety: A client was understandably concerned during the stock market correction in 2022. He had a significant amount invested and was nervous after seeing a nearly 15% drop in his account value. I reached out proactively, listened to his concerns, and reviewed his investment strategy and financial goals. After discussing the risks of acting on emotion, he chose to stay the course and even added to his investments. The value? Avoiding locked-in losses and staying on a path to achieve his financial goals. His portfolio has since recovered and is performing well.
  2. Student Loan Stress Relief: One of my veterinary clients was overwhelmed by $270,000 in student loans, leading to paralysis by analysis. She spent countless hours in Facebook debt groups, drowning in conflicting advice. I developed a student loan plan that alleviated her stress and gave her the confidence to dream again. Through our Vision Meeting, we discovered her love for travel, which she had previously thought was unattainable. Now, she’s planning her dream trip to Ireland in 2025—a goal she never imagined was possible.

I could share countless other stories, all centered on expert guidance and a relationship of trust and understanding. While the ultimate value of financial advice can’t always be precisely measured—many factors, like the stock market, are beyond anyone’s control—I know that my work has positively impacted my clients’ lives.

If you are ready to take the next step in your financial journey, give me a shout! Send me an email or book a complimentary Intro Call here


Ashley Foster Bio Image
Ashley Foster, Founder of Nxt:Gen
I’m a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional married to an extremely hardworking ER veterinarian. This gives me a unique understanding of the difficulties that veterinarians face, both financially and personally. Learn more…
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